Laser Cleaning

At RECOOP we have always believed in investing in the latest technology that is available on the market. We take great care in performing effective research and development which gives us the opportunity to meet and discuss with leading professionals in the field of art conservation and restoration. RECOOP is proud to announce a new service of cleaning through laser technology, which is now being used by leading institutes namely the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro in Rome and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence for conserving and restoring architecture and objets d’art. This technology has given us the opportunity to become leading pioneers when it comes to innovative methods in conservation and restoration

Our Approach

At RECOOP, we are passionate about preserving and restoring the beauty and integrity of artworks and historing buildings through our professional team of experts. With a deep understanding of the historical, cultural, and artistic value of each piece, we employ a meticulous approach that combines expertise and ethical practices in each and every project we undertake. 

Hence, given that all men owe respect to their parents and their homeland, I feel obliged to muster what little ability I have so that, as far as possible, an image may survive—barely more than a shadow  

Raffaello Sanzio’s Letter to Pope Leo X on the miserable state of Rome’s ancient ruins (1519) 

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